Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Assessing the Traffic Impact

Traffic increases are a major concern that the Wincom neighborhood has about the new development proposed on the former prison land site. The Concord Housing Development Corp. is apparently aware of this, since they conducted a traffic study on Winthrop St. and Commonwealth Ave. last week. I expect that they will share the results at the WCAC meeting on Wednesday evening.

Most people aren't familiar with the in's and out's of traffic studies, so it might be worth looking at some resources on the Internet for some background. I found a web page from the University of Wisconsin useful. The most interesting table is 3.3, which indicates the number of peak trips per day (10.71) that a typical condo unit generates. (This is based on data from the Institute of Transportation engineers.)

According to the University of Wisconsin's table, if we assume 36 units are built, that would mean an additional 386 trips on our streets. If the number is 130, that would result in 1392 additional trips per day. Keep this in mind as you hear the numbers that are presented. CHDC may adjust the numbers, saying that residents will walk to West Concord center, ride the train, ride on the bike path, etc., but it's difficult to say what the actual reduction from these published "normal" rates might be.

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